Dehn Surge Protection
Lightning and surge protection are essential components when it comes to protecting people, preventing fire and guarding against t...View Products

Dehn Lightning Protection/Earthing
For protecting buildings from mechanical destruction caused by lightning effects and the associated risk of fireView Products

Electric Vehicle Charger
Plug into a Greener Future We offers a highly versatile portfolio, including DC chargers, AC chargers, and charging site manage...View Products

Vending Machines
Vending business is the best option for those looking for a reliable and passive income source.We offer different types of best qu...View Products

Industrial Automation
Hedge Engineering provides Instrumentation & Industrial Automation Solutions and specialized in process automation , Factory &...View Products

Smart DB,Optimizer & Auditor for Energy Managment
An IIOT enabled device that not only monitors electrical conditions but also identifies all 20 electrical faults. It has the abili...View Products

VFD/ Inverters/ AC Drives
Variable frequency drives (VFD) varies the frequency and drives the motor. Thus a VFD helps in controlling the speed of the motor,...View Products

HMI – Human Machine Interface
A human machine interface (HMI) is a platform which permits interaction between users and automation equipment. HMI products provi...View Products

Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) is a control system architecture comprising computers, networked data communicati...View Products

Controllers for measurement and controlling temperature, cyclic timers, RTC – timers, countersView Products

PLC- Programmable Logic Controllers
PLC is an industrial digital computer that has been ruggedized and adapted for the control of manufacturing processes, such as ass...View Products